limited spots available

Recognize and Stop Gaslighting Master’s Grade in 30 Days Course

Please note: During the course, you can ask and receive e-mail support from limited BreakAbuse psychologists, therefore we can only accept a limited number of participants at a time.

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Over $4,000+ Value

  • Instant, lifetime access to 30 expert-guided lessons

    ($1499 value)

  • 30 powerful journaling prompts to integrate your breakthroughs ($199 value)

  • 10 transformative meditations and visualizations ($399 value)

  • 4 in-depth bonus workshops on key topics of healing

    ($799 value)

  • Access to clinical psychologists via private Q&A ($1499 value)

  • Lifetime membership to our exclusive support community of 50,000+ survivors (Priceless)

  • Gaslighting-Free 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

This course is for

  • Individuals who have experienced gaslighting in their relationships

  • Individuals who want to become aware about gaslighting

  • Professionals who work with clients dealing with gaslighting

  • Individuals interested in understanding manipulation

Frequently Asked Questions

How will this course help me recognize and respond to gaslighting in my own life?

This course will provide you with a deep understanding of the definition and history of gaslighting, as well as teach you to recognize the common signs and techniques used by gaslighters. You'll learn to identify when your reality is being questioned or your feelings are being dismissed, so you can better respond to these manipulative behaviors. The course will equip you with the knowledge to trust your own perceptions and not get caught up in the confusion that gaslighters try to create.

What specific techniques and strategies will the course teach to protect myself from gaslighters?

The course will cover a range of strategies to protect yourself from gaslighters, such as:

  • Establishing firm boundaries and not engaging with the gaslighter's denials or diversions

  • Documenting instances of gaslighting with evidence like recordings or written accounts

  • Developing a strong support network of trusted friends and family who can validate your reality

  • Learning assertive communication skills to clearly express your thoughts and feelings

  • Practicing self-care techniques to maintain your self-confidence and emotional well-being

Will the course provide guidance on how to rebuild my self-confidence and trust after experiencing gaslighting?

Yes, a significant portion of the course is dedicated to helping you recover from the psychological impacts of gaslighting. You'll learn exercises and techniques for rebuilding your self-trust, restoring your self-esteem, and overcoming the lingering feelings of confusion and self-doubt. The course will provide a roadmap for regaining your sense of stability and autonomy after being subjected to this form of manipulation.

Is this course suitable for someone who is currently in a gaslighting relationship, or is it more focused on post-relationship healing?

This course is suitable for both individuals currently experiencing gaslighting as well as those in post-relationship recovery. The early modules focus on recognizing the signs and understanding the dynamics of gaslighting, which can be immediately applicable for those still in a gaslighting situation. Later modules then transition to strategies for setting boundaries, building support systems, and healing the psychological impacts - which is crucial for those who have recently escaped a gaslighting relationship. The course takes a comprehensive approach to support participants at all stages of the process.

How much time and effort is typically required to complete the full course?

The full course curriculum is designed to be completed over the span of 30 days, with each daily session lasting approximately 30 minutes, total 15 hours of learnings. This includes a mix of educational content, reflective exercises, and application activities. However, the pace is flexible, and participants are encouraged to work through the material at a rate that feels manageable for their personal circumstances and needs. The course is structured to allow for both dedicated learning time as well as space for self-reflection and integration of the concepts between sessions. With commitment and focus, most participants are able to finish the entire course within 15 hours - 30 minutes a day over a 30 days.

Need Help?

[email protected]

or (646) 555-0147
Monday to Friday is a non-profit movement with a mission to raise awareness and educate people about emotional and psychological manipulation in order to reduce its damaging impact on individuals and society. All revenue from this course will be reinvested into BreakAbuse movement products development and distribution to reach more people and create a higher impact.